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Russianz Ltd.
New Zealand

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Pistol Calibres


We offer:

9 x 18 [Makarov]

9 x 19 Parabellum [Luger].

.45 ACP 


Another satisfied customer -

Hi Jim.


Just wanted to ping you a quick email.

I was at the range last Sunday, a club competition, and obviously used my new ammo I got from you. It's fantastic, on a day when issues with ammo were rampant across the range my Barnaul ammo performd perfectly. Not a missfire or issue with any of the 150 rounds I fired that day.

It performed so well that even using a club CZ Shadow I placed in the top ten for that day. The best yet, and I'm using a club pistol until the end of the year so am very excited about future results when I get my own Glock.


I think you have yourself a customer for life.

