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Lacquer Sense


I've heard some 'off the wall' things being said here, so I will state my opinion and move on.

Wolf ammo is steel cased ammo with a hot melt varnish applied.

This is ok if you are firing a non-SAAMI spec firearm like an imported AK clone, Milsurp FAL, etc ... The reason it causes failures in modern firearms is because of 2 major problems in the design.

1) Rapid fire of the rifle or pistol heats the barrel / chamber and melts the varnish. This leaves a slight film in your chamber that is next to impossible to remove unless you really work at it. After 500+ rounds you can really tell the difference. If you aren't careful ... you can throw your rifle out of spec fast, and cause some really high pressures in the chamber due to the build-up.

2) Steel cased ammo does not have the flex that brass cased ammo has. Brass will expand inside the chamber once fired, and when the pressures subside ... the brass shrinks. Steel doesn't always do this. It retains 99% of it's shape once it has been fired.

Shoot it if you want to, but I choose not to.


Who taught you this stuff? Tell you what. Get yourself a lacquer coated wolf, Barnaul, or whatever. Pull the bullet and dump the powder. You can pop the primer if you want too. Now hit that empty brass with a butane or propane torch. You're not going to melt off any lacquer. You're simply regurgitating bad information.

You were ALMOST right with your second answer. The steel cases don't expand as "WELL" as brass cases. As such, the case does not create as good of a seal in the chamber. As such, you will get some carbon/powder residue blow back that goes past the sides of the casing and dirties up the chamber. Now; if you shoot a few hundred rounds, and never clean your rifle, and follow it up with some brass ammo, then you do risk the chance of  some stuck cases. But it's not because the steel shell expanded and couldn't return to normal state. If so, then it wouldn't explain why it's usually brass cases that get stuck. Matter of fact, it wouldn't explain why even 1 brass case would get stuck. It's the blowback of powder/carbon that causes it. Simply clean your rifle more often.

Sorry; but the whole "Lacquer melting into your chamber and almost difficult to clean out, is simply some crock that you've been fed. You really need to go over to and get some information. The folks over there are the hardcore AR/M4 shooters. Many are also gunsmiths, vendors, retailers, and competition shooters. There's a lot of big heads and arrogance over there; but you'll generally find mostly the truth. Most of the newer Russian ammo is Polymer; but even some of the older ammo that is still lacquered, is not going to hurt your gun at all.

Now you say you won't shoot it. That's fine. And I'm sure that you really won't do any research. That too is fine. I personally don't care. But to see bad information be fed to others who might be willing to learn the truth, is what I am referencing. The problem is; people think steel case ammo is SUPPOSE to be the same as brass. Therefore, they shoot it the same and they clean their gun the same. If they happen to clean their gun often normally, then they don't have issues shooting steel case ammo. Then again, there will always be those that also think it's harmful to shoot "Corrosive Ammo" in their guns. Forget the fact that almost 2 entire world wars were engaged with shooting a lot of corrosive ammo. Those rifles are still here. You just need to know how to use a little soapy water to clean your rifle after you're done shooting corrosive ammo. Then clean it and lube like normal. But no; there are those that won't listen to that either.

Seriously. Get an empty lacquer coated steel case and try using a torch on it, and see if you can get something to "DRIP" or "Melt" off of it.


I shoot way more Russian Steel Case ammo than anything else. I won't use a vice, sled, brace, etc... for the rifle. That's just me. That's not practical shooting. I need to be able to hit the target without using a mechanical apparatus that won't be available when I really need to shoot. Anyway; using iron sights or a 1x red-dot (Basically the same as iron sights), I can lean across a table, or against a tree/post, or similar; and put an entire 30 round magazine into a 4" x 4" square on the target at 100 yards. That's with using Silver bear, wolf, MFS, Tula, and Barnaul.

Now; if you don't think that's good enough marksmanship because it's not less than 2.0 MOA (Using a vice, sled, etc...), then you are free to believe that. Me personally, I am quite satisfied with those results. That's good enough for deer, prairie dogs, people, or whatever my target is. If I want to artificially shoot at a target with mechanical devices, then I'm sure there's something available for Playstation 3. But I have no problem using Russian steel case ammo.


" Get yourself a lacquer coated wolf, Barnaul, or whatever. Pull the bullet and dump the powder. You can pop the primer if you want too. Now hit that empty brass with a butane or propane torch. You're not going to melt off any lacquer"

That is true. I know it is true because I have tried it several times to demonstrate this to non believers.

If a chamber of a rifle is hot enough to melt the lacquer, which can't be melted with a torch, then your chamber is more than hot enough to cook off the round as soon as it goes into the chamber.